FANWOOD – Poets from Central Jersey and beyond contribute their personal recollections of journeys and adventures in the new issue of Exit 13 Magazine, which marks its 35th year of publishing in Fanwood.
Among the local poets in Exit 13 Magazine, issue number 28, are: Adele Kenny of Fanwood; Liz Kingsley of Westfield; Nancy Lubarsky of Cranford; Tony Gruenewald of Garwood; the late Paul Sohar of Warren; Bob Rosenbloom of Bound Brook; Liza Katz Duncan of Keyport; Wanda Praisner of Bedminster; Michelle Ortega of Basking Ridge; and Tom Plante of Fanwood, the magazine’s founder.
“For the past two years during the pandemic, Exit 13 Magazine was mailed free of charge to anyone who sent me a written request for a copy,” said Tom Plante. “I’m continuing that offer and inviting readers to explore this new issue’s poetic celebrations of journeys great and small.”
Requests for a free copy can be mailed to Exit 13 Magazine, c/o Tom Plante, 22 Oakwood Court, Fanwood, NJ 07023. “This is a limited-time offer,” Mr. Plante added. “Any donations to offset postage and printing expenses will be cheerfully accepted.”
Other Garden State poets have work in the new issue, including: Ellen June Wright of Hackensack; Mark Fogarty of Rutherford, Sander Zulauf of Andover; Elaine Koplow of Hardwick; Gil Hawkins of Leonia; Denise LaNeve of Wayne; Malinda McPeek-Garlette of Lafayette; Ken Ronkowitz of Cedar Grove; Susanna Rich of Blairstown; Margaret Saraco of Montclair; Ron Gaskill of Northfield; Rogan Kelly of Morris Plains; Dan Sieg of Teaneck; Phillipa Scott of Montclair; and Bill Kenney of Florham Park.
Some out-of-state poets include: Charles H. Johnson, Rustin Larson, Mary Redus, Charles Rammelkamp, Norma Bernstock, Basil Rouskas, Ray Skjelbred, Kristin Lawrence, Robert Cooperman, Paula Yup, Warren Woessner, Tony Wallin-Sato, Connie Johnson, and Jeanine Stevens.
For more information, email: or visit: www. facebook. com/ Exit13Magazine.