WESTFIELD – The buzz and excitement of pre-performance jitters by children were mingled with the joy of seeing their families seated in the pews of the historic Presbyterian Church in Westfield on Saturday night. Students from Westfield’s Jefferson Elementary School and Franklin Elementary School were about to make their debut with the famed New Jersey Festival Orchestra. The “Three Holiday Tenors” concert was the initial draw for the capacity crowd, “but let’s face it” Maestro David Wroe said to the audience, the families wanted to see their kids perform. Younger brothers and sisters waved to their fourth or fifth-grade brothers or sisters and squealed in delight when they found their sibling sitting in the balcony. Microphones were set, and the children’s choirs, decked out in white shirts/blouses with black pants, looked uniformly ready for the concert.
Arts and Entertainment
NJFO Presents Three Tenors And Many Children