Volunteer Fair, Sunday, January 14, 2 p.m. at the Westfield Memorial Library. In celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. meet representatives from a variety of nonprofit and service-based organizations in Westfield that are currently seeking volunteers. Whether you’re looking for a one-time volunteer opportunity for service credit, or an opportunity where you can give back for weeks, months, or years – we can help connect you to the organizations that need your help! Registration is required at https:// events.wmlnj.org/event/11298557 God of Carnage, a dark comedy by Yasmina Reza, will be performed at Westfield Community Players. Performances will be on January 13, 20,26and27at8p.m.,withamatinee performance January 14 at 2 p.m. The theatre is located at 1000 North Avenue West in Westfield. Tickets canbepurchasedthroughthewebsite www.wcptheatre.org, or by calling the theatre at (908) 232-1221.
Choral Art Society of NJ Concert SundayJanuary28,3p.m.atThe PresbyterianChurchinWestfield,140 Mountain Avenue, Westfield. Join ChoralArt Society of NJ for an afternoon of music in consideration of our children and our stewardship of the future.TheprogramfeaturestheNew Jersey Youth Chorus and includes John Rutter’s Mass of the Children and selections from Bob Chilcott’s Circlesong, along with the world premier of The Greatest Miracle by Andrey Stolyarov. Adult tickets $30 in advance, $35 at the door. Senior/ Student tickets $25 in advance, $30 at the door. Under 18 admitted free. For advance tickets and more information, visit www.casofnj.org.
Uncovering our Local History: A Three-Part Immersive Series Examining Racism andAntisemitism in Scotch Plains and Fanwood, Brunch and Learn: The Spread of Nazi Propaganda from the Flanders Printing Press in Scotch Plains. Sunday, January 28,11a.m.ShadyRest,820Jerusalem Road, Scotch Plains. $20. Register at https://shorturl.at/gMQ45.
The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940, an ingenious and wildly comic farce by playwright John Bishop will be performed at CDC Theatre,78WinansAvenue,Cranford, weekends, February 9 to 24. Tickets can be purchased at cdctheatre.org or by calling (908) 276-7611 Breakfast With The Bands, Saturday, March 2, 8 a.m. to noon. The Rotary Club of Westfield’s biggest scholarshipfund-raisingeventreturns to the Westfield High School Cafeteria with a morning full of Westfield’s talented music students. $10 admission includes breakfast and entertainment. Tickets can be purchased in advance at The Westfield Leader office or at the door.
Submit events at goleader.com/communitycalendar/