SCOTCH PLAINS — Community members are invited to come to Willow Grove Presbyterian Church, 1961 Raritan Road in Scotch Plains, for its annual International Dinner and Concert on Saturday, May 4, from 4 to 7 p.m. This special event begins with a free concert of popular American songs, music from China, and piano solos.
Tickets for the International Dinner which follows at 5 p.m. will raise money to feed hungry people in NJ and to help victims of disasters in the USA and around the world. Members of Willow Grove Church and community groups that use its building will prepare their favorite ethnic specialties.This delicious Dinner will be a buffet of many cuisines, including Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Greek, German, and American.
TicketsfortheInternationalDinnerare $15 for adults and teenagers, and $7 for children ages 6 to 12, with a family maximum of $40. Children under age 6 are free. To guarantee seats at the dinner, please purchase tickets in advance. Tickets will only be available at the door if not alreadysold-outandmaybepurchasedin advance by calling the Willow Grove Church office at 908-232-5678, Monday to Thursday, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.
TheConcertwillfeatureperformances by classical pianist Paul DiDario, singer Rebecca Dias, the Chinese American Music Ensemble (CAME), and pianist and composer Skip Ungar.
Allfundsraisedwillbedonatedequally to the Community Food Bank of NJ (CFBNJ) and Presbyterian DisasterAssistance (PDA). CFBNJ distributes 43 million pounds of food per year to more than1,000non-profitprograms,feeding 900,000 hungry people in 18 New Jersey counties. Each dollar CFBNJ receives results in at least $8 in groceries forfamiliesinneed.PDAprovidesassistance, by partnering with local churches, to help victims of war, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes in the USA and worldwide.
WillowGrovePresbyterianChurchis located near the intersection of Martine Ave. and Raritan Road, opposite the Scotch Plains Southside Firehouse, and has ample on-site parking. Information about the church and its programs may be found on its website at