60+ A DIVISION: TEAM W L T Swan Hotel 4 0 Deegan Roofing 60 3 0 Linwood II 1 3 Linwood Boys 1 3
60+ B DIVISION: TEAM W L T AJ Jersey 3 1 Awnings Galore 2 1 NJ Govt Services 2 2 Kenilworth VFW 1 2 Angry Joe’s Apparel 1 3 Yogi’s Boys 1 3 DeBellis Associates 0 3
Angry Joe’s 18, DeBellis 1
Angry Joe’s (28-hits) – Charlie Wischusen (4 hits), Anthony Miccio and Jerry Gaeta (3 hits each). Winning pitcher – Tom Rutkowki.
Deegan 22, Linwood II 21
It took nine innings and with bases loaded. Tom Donnelly (HR) and Johnny Rachko (4 hits each). Bill Buteau (5-for-5) Linwood II.
Awnings Galore 5, Yogis Boys 3 Trailing 3-2, Awnings scored 3 in the 6th. Winning pitcher Tom Pasko and Rich Traub (3B, 2B), Billy Hillyer’s (2 RBI double in 6th) led Awnings. Jerry Isolda (2-2, good defense), Mike Carnevale (2 hits, vacuum at shortstop).
Swan Hotel 19, Linwood Boys 4 Swan star pitcher Jimmy Jiminez held Linwood scoreless in all but one inning. Hitting stars – Brian Latham, Mike Rzewuski, James Nardello (HR), Nick Russo (HR) all 3-for-3.
AJ Jersey 13, NJ Gov’t Services 5 Swan Hotel 28, Awnings Galore 9 Winning pitcher Doug Fischer, rookie Nick Mennona (4-for-4, 2B, HR); Mike Rzewuski, James Nardello, Nick Russo, Danny DiFidele, Pat Douglas and Steve Barba (perfect at plate). Awnings Galore – Rich Traub (2-3, 2B, stellar outfield catches), Billy Hillyer (2 runs, 2 hits), Rick Demsey and Frank Green (2 hits each).
Linwood Boys 18, Linwood II 15 Linwood Boys – Joe Menza (4 hits); Anthony Joe, Jim Sydlo, winning pitcher Jim Donaghue (3 hits each). Carl Gamba at 1B secured the game in the 7th inning. Linwood II – Joe Caliguari and Jim McCullough (3 hits each).
N.J. Gov’t 19, Kenilworth VFW 12 NJ G-men – Joe Attanasi (5 hits, HR); Keith McDede and Frank Verducci (4 hits each); Steve Falco, Joe Hrubash, Rich Conkin and James Massarelli (3 hits).
AJ Jersey 19, Angry Joes 12 AJ Jersey managed scored 12 unanswered runs. Brian Clark (grand slam secured win), Pitcher Steve Wiczerzak (4 hits, 3 triples, 4 RBI); Dave Tibbals (4/4, HR, 4 RBI), Drew Koski (4/5, HR 3 RBI), Dave Ciarrocca (3/4), Mike Rosenberg (3/ 4 2 RBI) and Ted Campanello (3/4).
Yogi’s Boys 21, Debellis 6 Deegan 13, Linwood Boys 12 John Rachko (3-3, triple); Don Miller and Art Paradise (3-3).
Ken’worth VFW 19,Angry Joe’s 18 Kenilworth led 13-4 heading into the 5th. Kenilworth VFW – Bob D’Meo and Keith Durrett (HRs); Tom DeRocco, Bill McCormack, Chris Kaminski, and Daniel Mendoza (each with 3 hits).
AJ Jersey 7, Yogi’s Boys 6
AJ led by 6 but Yogis Boys fought back to tie into the bottom of the 7th. AJ Jersey’s Juan Lisojo got the gamewinning hit.
NJ Gov’t Services 13 DeBellis 9 NJGS had a 13-2 lead in the third. Rich Conklin (3-3, HR); Bill Moore, Tomas Cruz, winning pitcher Carl Herman (3 hits); Steve Falco, Joe Attanasi and Keith McDede (2 hits).
Swan Hotel 21, AJ Jersey 11 Swannies – Mike Rzewuski (4-for-4, HR, 4 RBI), James Nardello (4for-4, 2B, 3 RBI). Winning pitcher Doug Fischer.
Awnings 7 Kenilworth VFW 6 Kenilworth VFW – Chris Kaminski, Tom DeRocco and Greg Thomas (2 hits), Greg Thomas (2-run 2B in 7th).
Linwood II 21, NJ Gov. Service 12 Linwood – Bob Glassman (5-5), Mike Christoff (3-3), Willie Schumate (2 hits, 2 walks). GMen – Joe Hrubash, Joe Attanasi (HR), Keith McDede, Bill Moore, Frank Verducci (2 hits).
Deegan Roofing 20, Yogi’s Boys 10 Tom Donnelly (2 hits, HR), Don Miller (3 hits, HR); Art Paradise, John Rachko, Chris Jones and Mike Geertsma (all 3 hits).